How Do I Orchestrate a Client Meeting...
You’ve heard the old adage that two heads are better than one. Well now imagine 5-7 best-in-class subject matter experts all collaborating to create one extraordinary client meeting. That’s exactly what you will be doing for every client meeting…and we’ll show you how to do it systematically and painlessly.
We’ll give you a checklist of what to prepare for every meeting, who on your team should prepare each item, how to conduct a Dry Run Prep Meeting to ensure that everything is in order and how to engage your clients in every aspect of the meeting. We’ll provide client agendas and advisor agendas so you will know exactly what to do, in what order, for every client meeting.
Most importantly, we’ll show you how to drive the conversation to make it about your clients’ values, goals and aspirations rather than about what the market did or didn’t do this quarter. We’ll show you how to add extraordinary value in EVERY MEETING regardless of whether the market is up, down or sideways. We’ll show you how to put the focus on things that are within your direct control or the direct control of your clients. You will quickly see your meeting transformed into extraordinary events that you and your clients look forward to.
Offer: If you want to take your client relationships to a significantly higher level, click on “Three Master Steps to Total Office Control”