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Is there a Guarantee?

What guarantees does The Trusted Advisor Toolkit™ offer?

Hi Mark: I'm familiar with your work ever since the early 2000's and I like it a lot!! The™ system looks great and I think this might be a pretty good fit for my kind of practice. Unfortunately I didn't notice any kind of Guarantee in your offer.

Risk reversal is a key factor in any big decision. If it turns out that this is not a good "fit" or I am not receiving enough value, what is your refund or termination policy?

FYI, I am a comprehensive fee-only advisor.

Thanks for the great work!!!    - Bob


Hi Bob

This isn't the same as purchasing a toast-r-oven, or a wall clock from Brookstone however, what we are offering will help you get your business in perfect order and keep it that way forever.

If you implement The Trusted Advisor Toolkit™ in the way we recommend, we guarantee the outcome:

The Guaranteed Outcome

"After qualifying for each of the 11 implementation steps of The Trusted Advisor Toolkit™, we will be providing Truly Comprehensive Financial Services™ through a skilled team of 5 Subject Matter Experts who are delivering an Extraordinary Client Experience by consistently exceeding our Ideal Clients' expectations.

Within 16 months, the outcome of which will be spontaneous unsolicited client referrals ample and sufficient enough to result in at least five The Initial Client Interviews™ every week the Trusted Advisor is present in the office"

This is the outcome we have come to expect from the proper implementation of The Trusted Advisor Toolkit™.  The best thing about The Toolkit is that it is a replicatable system which can be implemented by any team that takes it seriously and invests the sufficient time and attention required.

To qualify for The Guaranteed Outcome, you must

1. Meet every criterion of this Ideal Advisor Profile

2. Agree to The 7 Prerequisites Required By “The Toolkit”

3. Qualify for all 11 implementation steps of The Trusted Advisor Toolkit™ within 16 months after joining The Toolkit System.

We are so accustomed to this predictable outcome, that if you are not receiving enough spontaneous unsolicited client referrals after qualifying for these 3 criteria above to consistently drive 5 The Initial Client Interviews™ each week your lead Financial Advisor is present in the office, then The Senior Toolkit Team will deploy and begin working for you to implement this system.  Our The Senior Toolkit will "parachute in like the Green Berets," will identify the implementation gaps, so that you will experience the outcome guaranteed by the system.

The Trusted Advisor Toolkit™ is a complete system for you to deliver extraordinary specific services to your best clients and will take you between 7 - 16 months to install, depending upon the amount of effort you put into the implementation of the system.  To join The Trusted Advisor Toolkit™ you will first join our entry-level program to see if you qualify by assessing how long it takes you to implement the first 12 projects (courses), which are the same 12 projects every member of The Trusted Advisor Toolkit™ implements at first.

Start by checking to see if you meet the Ideal Advisor Profile

Founder & Creator
The Trusted Advisor Toolkit™


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SPECIAL NOTE: The Guaranteed Outcome is only valid for full access Toolkit Direct™ members in good standing with The Trusted Advisor Toolkit™ after their 16-month of membership in the system.