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Mark, why are you doing this?

Why are you spending so much time and energy helping financial advisors?

As ridiculous as it sounds, multi-millionaires have no champion in the financial services industry.  The financial services industy worldwide is ignoring the millions of multi-millionaires out there who would love the simplicity of having a single Most Trusted Advisor to oversee all of their personal financial affairs, if only they could find one who is fully competent and worthy of trust.  My goal is to create a welcome place for financial advisors who are committed to delivering Truly Comprehensive Financial Services™.  Financial advisors who are willing to transform their business models by listening carefully to what these Potential Ideal Clients want from a relationship with a financial advisor and then filling the void.  Multi-millionaires seeking a financial advisor to provide proper oversight over all aspects of a family's personal financial affairs often claim there can find no advisors available who are able or willing to deliver. These Potential Ideal Clients often believe there is no advisor available anywhere at any price who is capable of skillfully overseeing their personal financial affairs.

That inspires me. I've dedicated my professional life to helping financial advisors move "towards the light."  My experience in the financial services industry tells me that nearly all financial advisors serving individuals and families get into this business with a genuine desire to help.  Our self-serving industry then gradually molds advisors into industry accomplices by offering clients overly complicated and conflicted financial products and services which are more expensive than they need to be.  In the year 2000 I committed myself to supporting financial advisors who wish to break-out, transform their business model, and focus relentlessly upon delivering value which is client-driven, rather than industry-driven.  By flipping the equation upside down, I've devoted my professional life to aiding and supporting financial advisors who are willing to make these four simple pledges below.  I'm inspired by those who are willing to make an Advisor PACT™ with each client...

    1. Protection: I pledge I will aggressively protect and defend my client's financial assets and strategy.
    2. Attention: I pledge that I will pay close attention to my client's financial affairs in order to proactively recommend the necessary course-corrections required to stay on-track.
    3. Coordination: I pledge that I will coordinate all the financial people as well as all the financial recommendations in my client's lives so they are well-aligned with the comprehensive written lifetime financial strategy.
    4. Transparency: I pledge that all my  client's financial affairs will be clear and transparent.  I promise to aggressively expose potential conflicts of interest in my client's financial life.

I have been in the financial services industry for more than 30 years. During that time I built a fantastic financial services business serving a wonderful community of ideal clients.  In the process I created highly structured set of checklist-driven systems and processes to deliver high-level comprehensive financial services through a Best-in-Class Deliverables Team of experts. In doing this we defined Truly Comprehensive Financial Services™, a term which has previously meant different things to different people.  By establishing specific and high-standards around the term Comprehensive Financial Services, I have been fortunate to support financial advisors from all over the world to transform their business models by becoming indispensable to a small community of Ideal Clients.

Bill Bachrach has been my lead coach since 1999.  His guidance literally transformed my business and my life.  At the end of the year 2000 Bill Bachrach asked me if I would consider joining his effort to change the financial services industry.  I said "yes," and have never forgot that commitment I made.  I owe so much to Bill Bachrach, and if I had a million years I would never be able to pay him back for all he's done.  So I'm doing what anyone does in a situation like that... I'm "paying it forward" to other advisors who are committed to delivering Truly Comprehensive Financial Services™ to their clients through a team of experts.

In the end I have a deeply-held Christian belief that all I have accomplished, earned and created doesn't belong to me anyway.  So I share what I know and now am earning money to help causes that are making a difference in the world.



Mark McKenna Little


P.S. Anyone interested in going to India with me to help build a church?



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